What Is The Meaning Of 'Assertive' And How Do I Use It?


6 Answers

Ian John Profile
Ian John answered
To be assertive is to speak to someone honestly with a direct tone of voice. This is not to be mistaken with aggression because being assertive means being respectful to someone while you address them with an issue. In order to talk to someone in an assertive manner you should always look at them face to face without any fidgeting. If you fumble with your fingers or keep looking away you will come across as nervous or distracted which will not help put your point across. Also, make sure that you listen to their response because they will be more likely to listen to you in the future.

In addition, when you raise an issue with someone you should always make use of the word "I". Always relate something back to how you feel because if you state it like it is, fact is it will come off as a generalisation and that is the wrong thing to do. You need to explain how something affects you personally otherwise you will just sound like you're whining which won't help. Always remember to keep eye contact and show calm facial expressions because you want the other person to see you as an equal. If you look like you're angry or upset then it will throw you off balance and you will seem inferior to the eyes of the person you are addressing. So, if you're annoyed at their response you must ensure you don't show it. Moreover, make sure you acknowledge the points they're putting across by telling them you understand, however if you do not think something is clear make sure you ask them to explain.
Moe Pence Profile
Moe Pence answered
When a person is being assertive, they're being very bold and confident in what they have to day, or in their dealings with people.  They can also be very determined and almost aggressively self-assured.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Assertive meaning and how to use it ?
debbie rothman Profile
debbie rothman answered
To stand up for your rights in a calm and mature manner.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
To assert means to declare, claim or insist. You can assert your opinion, which is to give it in a decided, positive way, or assert your right to something (ie, insist on it.) So if you are an assertive person, this adjective means that you tend to be quite decided and insistent in your behavior.

It's usually considered a positive word, unlike "aggressive" which suggests that you are unfair or push other people around. In fact, assertiveness (noun) is considered such a useful quality that you can even attend special "assertiveness training" classes to teach you to stand up for your rights and give your opinion in a firm, insistent (but NOT aggressive) manner.

An example sentence might be: "Anna is very talented, but she lets other people bully her and doesn't express her talents. She should learn to be more assertive; say what she thinks and confidently explain what she wants."

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