Wisdom means much to me because without it I will be so useless. Everyone on planet earth desired wisdom to live amongst people. I need wisdom to organise myself as in doing things properly to meet the approval of people. I wouldn't say that lack of wisdom is foolishness but to some extent it is. It is only a person that has no wisdom would plant mango on the road side and thinks he is the sole owner. I tell you that when the mango got ripe, it is another person that would harvest such. In nutshell, the Holy Bible put it this way "Wisdom is the Principal Thing" which King Solomon exhibited during his reign. Wisdom I would like to say helps a lot in life journey. The ants we see daily are so gifted with wisdom because they gather their food during the dry season and retreat into their castle during the rain periods.That is why the scripture says we should go and learn from the ants... And it is only God that give wisdom and so if anyone lacks it, he should ask God for it.
That is a tough one. I mean there are some very difficult things that might need to be learned to make you wise, and some things that you don't need to know a thing about to know that it is wise not to try to pet the snake. Learning isn't always the only way to be wise. Experience in something can make you wise, but, then again, you have to learn to get experience. I guess after you get that, you might then have wisdom.
Wisdom to me means applying the knowledge which I have gained through my years of living on this beautiful planet to some use to either help others or myself in some tribulation they or I may be going through.
There are two types of wisdom, human (mans), Spiritual (Gods)Mans wisdom is foolishness to God, and man deceives himself. 1cor.3:18-21...Earthly wisdom and human understanding will be destroyed through the preaching of the cross 1Cor. 1:18-21...Mans wisdom is full of enticing words, vain deceit, philosophys and mans treditions and not after Christ. 1Cor 2:4-8... Col 2:8... The natural man cannot understand or recieve the Spiritual things of God until He's born of the Spirit of God, Who is the Spirit of all true wisdom through the Word!1Cor.2:13-16...Jer.8:8 says without the Word of God what wisdom is in them? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom( reverence, respect. Honor, love) Job.28:28... God will give true wisdom if we ask James. 1:5... The characteristics of false wisdom and Divine wisdom is in James.3:13-18...Genaveve
Wisdom--well to me it is the combination of what is learned and the experience of having applied it, along with a good dose of "intuition", which comes from picking up a lot of bits and pieces of what makes the world go 'round and how it all can work together. Another added element-- it's got a good dose of self and other awareness-- an ability and confidence in that at the end, there are some things that diminish in importance in favor of a few essential and rather universal truths-- fundamental and common ones to humanity, and everything centers on those principles rather than us as individuals who have previously seen ourselves as center of our own tiny universes.
Sorry, been away. The definition of "wisdom" has changed with me over the years. Right now, to me, it means someone who isn't perfect, realizes it, accepts it, and doesn't judge those who aren't perfect, but is smart enough to listen to that inner voice telling them who is right for them to befriend and who should be kept at a smile and a wave. Does that make sense?
Knowing things from personal experiences, looking for the answers yourself before you ask others and the ability to search both sides of things and decide for yourself and not just believe what the media throws at you etc... Lol
You have so many good answers, so I guess you really don't need mine......I guess the only other thing I can come up with now-----since the answers are all taken, is----Wisdom is like when you do a really dumb thing, and you look back at it and say, "Well----I sure ain't doing that again!!!"......The opposite of wisdom would be---doing that really dumb thing-----over and over and over again!
Oh, what aloaded question that is. I'll try to keep it short. I believe wisdom is enlightenment, and moreover...insight. It is the realization and understanding that we are all part of a whole even though we experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something seperate from the rest. This delusion restricts us to our personal desires. Our task is to free ourselves from this prison. If we could accomplish this, this world would be a different place.
"Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment that is realizes that it is water". Buddha~