What Does Easter Mean To You?


42 Answers

Tammy Greenlaw Profile
Tammy Greenlaw answered
Easter is my favorite favorite Christian event;it proves that Jesus is the Only person/prophet as some call him but to me He is the Savior,very son of God and He arose from the dead and was seen by many in doing such;He promised to do this and sent us the Holy Spirit as He promised so we wouldn't be left alone....the Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the trinity and He has specific duties to help us in our walk with Christ.When we are guided, comforted, taught as we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to live a Christlike life then we too will go to heaven to live with Christ forever.....I feel like I've not done too well in explaining this, but ask God to guide you in the reading of the Bible- look up certain words in the concordance and you will be enlightened....ask away anytime...K?Blessings....2Leah
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carol washington
carol washington commented
I am so glad that you are able to share your belief with such passion. I too have a passion for our Lord. The Bible is a source and rule book to a walk with Him. Evey subject is covered, you only have to open it to discover His Word is alive.as you know, without faith it is impossible to please Him. Thank you for responding, i enjoyed reading it.
Charlie Kerr
Charlie Kerr commented
I agree!
David Funk
David Funk commented
I totally agree with you. I'm glad that you're willing to express that so outwardly.
Apirl Profile
Apirl answered
It means to me that Jesus Christ died for our sins an rose again on the third day so that we may have everlasting eternal life if we ask for forgivness for our sins and earnstly repent of them!
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dnh 107
dnh 107 commented
My answer was: "resurrection, eggs, and rabbits." (when i answered this the regular way i pressed the "submit button" and my answer simply would not go through.)
Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
Easter is a popular Christian festival, and is marked by the arrival of spring. Much like spring, this festival is linked with the concepts of birth, revitalization and fruitfulness.
Easter symbolises the Resurrection of Christ, 3 days after he was crucified. Easter falls between the forty days of Lent and 7 weeks of Eastertide. It is one of the most significant and celebrated holiday as regarded by Christians.
Although there is no mention of a yearly feast to commemorate the Resurrection, the practice had started being observed on a wide scale by the beginning of the 2nd century.
As per the theologian Venerable Bede, Easter has gotten its name from the goddess of spring; Eostre.she was linked with an egg and a hare, both of which have become indispensable symbols for Easter – Easter eggs brought by the Easter bunny.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The resurrection our our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He died on the cross to free us of our sins, then rose again to live forever in us :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Easter marks the start of Spring and how flowers will soon bloom and blossom, causing high spirits.
Its also about God, and the Bible, with Jesus being reborn after being hung on the cross. It shows that anything is possible, and how we at fault for ourselves.

And for the little kids, its about coloring eggs and finding stuff left by the Easter Bunny. Its about the family time spent together dying eggs into bright, fun colors.
Rebecca strew Profile
Rebecca strew answered
To me Easter is the time to celebrate the event when my Lord- Jesus Christ- died for my sins and then rose from the dead three days later. Thanks to Easter, the entire human race has the opportunity to not only cheat death, but live for an eternity in joy with God. 
Charlie Kerr Profile
Charlie Kerr answered
Easter is when Jesus raised from the dead after being hung on the cross(Good friday) and then three days later (Easter) he rose from the dead, and is living today!
thanked the writer.
Medusa The Gorgon
Yes, Jesus is alive! In every jail and prison in the world! In fact, you'll find dozens of Jesus' there! Amazing. We always find the lord AFTER sinning. Which is why I prefer the Buddhist concept of karma: Think before you 'speak' or 'do,' or you might come back as a garden slug, or a maggot, or something you'll regret!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I say that easter is something that is the most important holiday because jesus died on the cross for our sins
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It meaans a lot more than just eggs,easter baskets, and candy....
   It is the celebration of Jesus rizing up from the dead.   (just a quick meaning)
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David Funk
David Funk commented
Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Medusa The Gorgon
It seems you poor Christians are in need of proper English and grammar instruction. 'Rizing?' Please. Put down that bible, and learn yerself sumfin!
armedia williams Profile
As a child it meant the opportunity for the occasional new clothes and to go some place and last to be able to eat a rare & festive meal.  Later, I was taught it spiritual and religious meaning being that of Jesus having risen from the dead.  However, and even though I do believe in a High power greater then all men, that knowledge never provided me with any more faith, belief, and/or a spiritual awakening of sorts as I still question its being factual having also learned that the bible and religion is yet again Man's quest for power and control through any means necessary.  Now I don't give it any thought since any chance I had of it's believe has been lost in the commercialism, profit and greed.   One of God's greatest miracle's was evolution and Man's brain embedded w/ knowledge and the capacity advance. However, we've used that gift to be blindsided toward selfish needs and greed & achieved all that was not meant to be to the point of destroying self.  It's called being so smart and more stupid.
thanked the writer.
Medusa The Gorgon
Well said, Dollbabyde! You covered all the major points and were very objective and fair. Which is more than I can say about my 'ranty' self, most of the time! Kudos!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means HOPE. Without the death & resurrection of God's son we would never have a chance to get to heaven because he took the sins of the world on himself at his death.  Without accepting Jesus, God's son there is no redemption of sin & eternal damnation, as God cannot accept sin. Jesus death allowed humans to have forgiveness of sin but we have free will to accept or reject his son & seal our fate
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An excuse for companies to sell us overpriced chocolate in the shape of an egg.
A holiday that is seasonally irrelevant to the southern hemisphere since we are going into winter we should be celebrating Halloween, not new life which is a spring thing.
And an excuse for people to try and force their beliefs down my neck. I've never seen an atheist out on the street harassing people.
thanked the writer.
Medusa The Gorgon
I'll second that! Now that's telling it like it IS. There 'ain't' no free rides in this life. Five Hail Mary's and four Our Father's, are not get out of Hell-for-free-cards.
Medusa The Gorgon Profile
Well. I am a Greek. A Greek Orthodox Greek. Our Easter begins on the Spring Equinox, (snotty, snooty Greeks!), as it is tied to Ancient Pagan Greek Rituals for the fertility of crops and Spartan chicks. Our easter eggs are blood red...no, not the blood of that Christ-dude, but because red represents fertility as in a Spartan chick getting her period, and her Spartan Dude wants to make sure they have babies. Our lent is brutal: No meat, cheese, milk products, liquor ;(, sweets, butter, fish. So, what DO we eat at lent? Nothing. We starve. We drop a few lbs. I guess you would say that Greek Easter is a diet regime. LMGrkAO!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means Jesus was resurrected on that day. It also means I get to eat chocolate and the easter bunny comes!!!! Lolz
Ariel Profile
Ariel answered
Easter is the day that Jesus rose from the dead. I usually go to church. But I also go on egg hunts, color eggs, make cookies, and eat candy. Spring is here and lots of baby animals and life are being born.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm real_ferret from Twitter, who asked this in a blurt out.
Blurt-it said to come here.
I'm so glad to see how people really believe in Bibles and God as our holy creator. I think Easter is really just a way to show that to people....
It a way to see how people enjoy embracing their  religion and to see why we were born...
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
The Greek ranter has it right. The real historical Jesus was not crucified, but was stoned to death on the eve of Passover, which is at the Vernal Equinox, i.e. On the cross of winter into spring, the pagan symbol for which is the Cross. Jesus died 'on the Cross', but not a physical cross, since the Romans used T or X shaped crosses. The Christian Cross is a modern take on the pagan symbol for the Vernal Equinox festival.
Anime Rocks Profile
Anime Rocks answered
Easter, Of course for the children means Hot Cross Buns, Easter Eggs & The Easter bunny, But the most frequent question is what do they mean? Well lets go into the past, Easter day, The celebration is god risen from the cross, So old christians don't celebrate it because it is like they are celebrating death. The cross on the bun is gods cross & the easter eggs mean a new begining.Bringing Easter eggs seems to have its origins in Alsace and the Upper Rhineland, both then in the Holy Roman Empire, and southwestern Germany, where the practice was first recorded in a German publication in the early 17th century.
Mesele Mark Profile
Mesele Mark answered

IT MEANS TO FULFIL PROMISES MADE,you know jesus died and he said I will come back to life.he did just that.he resurrected.
It means to die and live again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In One word "A Holy day".
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David Funk
David Funk commented
That's three...
Medusa The Gorgon
Could you be slightly more specific? A Holy Day? Do you know how many different 'Holy Days' there are in this world? Why is it that Christians think they have a free ride? I don't have any Buddhists, Sufi's, Seiks, Fetishes, Guru's, or Shamans busting down my door on Sunday. Why is that? I'll tell u why: Because they respect other's faith/belief/fantasy/myths - they know that there are many spiritual paths to follow & they don't cram down our collective throats, that theirs is the only TRUE way.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means a day of joy and happiness. When everybody gets together and has fun. A day when little kids have easter egg hunts, and people eat candy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The celebration of spring and the coming of leaves, flowers and the birth of baby animals.
samatha  thoms Profile
samatha thoms answered
It means that when jesus body was gone an he came to haven to watch us... An getting the family together an celebrity easter with jesus
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Easter is a Pagan Holiday,sexual Goddess,fertility
I celebrate PASSOVER, Jesus became my Passover not my Easter Bunny
So sad people do not realize that,even so called Pastors.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Easter is the most important day of the year, when we celebrate our Saviour rising again so that we can be saved by faith in Him!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!
thanked the writer.
Medusa The Gorgon
Umm, the most important day of the year, in my humble opinion, is when I see people being kind to each other, without some big bad bible making them do it! Karma, baby. Karma keeps the world going round...

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