
What Does Tolerance Mean?


12 Answers

Liam Sheasby Profile
Liam Sheasby answered
Like many words, tolerance can mean different things, depending upon the context in which it is used. However, the most common meaning of the word tolerance is as follows: The ability to put up with something, particularly a conflicting opinion or religious belief system. Someone with "tolerance" is willing to accept that others have different mindsets, political leanings, or rules; the tolerant person will respect another person, or an institution, while retaining his or her own beliefs.

In the eyes of many people, the lack of political and religious tolerance in the world has led (and continues to lead) to many wars, terrorist acts, and divisions between different groups in society. For people with a "humanist" approach to life, tolerance is a vital goal for planning a better, kinder world. Throughout history, pacifists, such as the late Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dalai Lama, have all espoused the importance of tolerance; all of these leaders believed that the spirit of tolerance should rise above any cultural, political, and religious differences.

Another common usage of the word tolerance relates to drug or alcohol usage or abuse. When someone with an addiction develops a tolerance, their body has become accustomed to receiving regular doses of a certain substance (i.e. Alcohol, heroin, sleeping pills, etc.) at set times; in order to keep the body alive and functional, organs, such as the liver, become "intelligent" and process the alcohol or drug more quickly, in order to "make room" for the next regular dose. Without this tolerance, the risk of death or overdose would skyrocket. To develop a tolerance to a substance may indicate an addiction or overuse of a drug, alcoholic beverage, or other substance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tolerance means you wait or be patient with someone,and not say things like,hurry up or go faster.
Lisa Redmond Profile
Lisa Redmond answered
Basically this would mean being open minded and accepting of others thoughts, beliefs, religious ideas, and basically anything else that you might not understand. It's like if you might not understand why someone thinks or acts the way they do, but you still accept them as a fellow human being and you don't hate them or treat them badly for it.
thanked the writer.
daniel cooke
daniel cooke commented
but does tolerance truly represent the hidden message that tolerance does not mean acceptance? if that is the case then tolerance is the word that is used to cover up the true discourse that parts of society do not and may well never wish to engage with others because they do not want to understand. tolerance is not the way forward for society. understanding or mean making encourages you to ask questions and challenge ideas and overall could lead to a change in your own thinking. knowledge is power, ignorance is encouraged by a belief that tolerance means understanding.
if you want to understand the world you must ask questions
Koushikinath Misra Profile
Tolerance means actually the allowed deviation from the identical value or accurate value
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dues it mean that you can accept other people for what they wish to be or what they wish to take part in?????
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means you can accept other people for what they wish to be or what they wis h to take part in
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When we are angry at mankind
Or rave at some depravity of mind
When we would curse behaviour of a kind
To argue, rather than to view benign
It is with our own self we battle wage
When choosing not to understand, nor to engage
With that from which we isolate our self
With anger sent, to where, perhaps is needed help
Lest fearful, reason may just find the time
With tenderness, to enter in our mind.
And so it is perhaps from loss of our own face
We are so quick to shout of their disgrace
But we should not lose sight of our own sins
Though, in different colours dressed, appear they in
For is not all, of nature in this life?
The good, the bad, together, love, and strife
As nature, this is how such things will be
So it is not how loud we shout, but what we see
And seeing do, to help, to liberate
To free with tolerance, not shut the gate
That is
How it should be
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It doesn't mean dance or anything like that hahaha it means to accept some like a new family member coming into your lives

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