
What Does Lopez Mean?


6 Answers

Swarda Padwal Profile
Swarda Padwal answered
The name Lopez is commonly used as a surname. It has its origin in Spanish. Lopez means 'son of Lope or son of Lopo'. The word Lope is taken from the Spanish word Lupus. The name Lupus means 'wolf'. Lopes, Lopas and Lopaz are the variants of this last name. The name Lopes is the Portuguese equivalent of Lopez.

Many famous personalities use Lopez as their last names. Andres Lopez; Colombian comedian; Alfonso Lopez Caballero, a Colombian politician and Mexican president, Adolfo Lopez Mateos are some of the famous personalities. The last name Lopez is also believed to have a Jewish origin. This dates back to Father Francisco Lopez the first priest who settled in America.
Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Lopez is a last name which originates in Spain. It is a patronymical last name. It literally means the son of Lope. The name Lope originates from the Spanish form of the word lupus, which is the Latin word for wolf. It is alternately spelt as Lopes, Lopaz and Lopas.

The most famous person to have this last name is the American pop singer and film actress Jennifer Lopez. Lopez, whose full name is Jennifer Lynn Lopez, was born in the neighbourhood of Castle Hill in the Bronx. The Bronx is a borough of New York City, in the state of New York in the United States of America on July 24, 1970.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lopez means lupus. Lupus means wolf
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Lopez is a patronymical surname meaning "son of Lope". It is derived from Spanish, Lope, meaning Wolf.  [Source: Baby-Names-Meaning]
Also Visit Lopez Name Meaning, Origin, History, Nationality andTop Places of origin for name Lopez You can click on these countries name(in the Top Places link) and a page will be displayed showing you names and detailed records of people with this surname. You might need to create account there to view detailed records. But, names can be viewed freely.
You can also Visit Average Life Expectancy Chart of Lopez name, which shows Average Life Expectancy of Worthington for various years.
Also Visit Top Occupations Chart of Lopez name which is based on up till year 1880's records. There is a book named The Lopez name in History which is a unique volume of fascinating facts, statistics and commentary following the Lopez family name as far back in history as possible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lopez means pez a fish, theres a history about that story. Look 4 it on google. OK let me tell you a lil bit of it, the fish the swim low and is a fish, fish in spanish is pez in low is just lo putted together is lopez :) look 4 it this is a very cool story and also true if you have the last name lopez you are 25% fish. So you must like water right

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