The word determinate is used to refer to something which is precisely determined or defined or limited. Determinates are usually fixed by rules or by specific and constant causes. A determinate does not continue to grow indefinitely once it reaches its apex or peak. It is known as determinate growth. Determinate growth is defined as growth which is limited. Determinate is a synonym of the word definitive, which means something that supplies or is the final or conclusive settlement of something.
Determinate is defined as the quality of the meaning of a text being objectively existent and independent of the reader or the commentator. For both socio-historical critics and formalists, a determinate is defined as a text as one absolute meaning which is accessible to the reader who is informed. For the formalists, this objective meaning is in the form or structure of the text itself, while for the socio-historical commentators, the objective meaning is in historical contexts or in the meaning that has been determined beforehand by the author.
Determinate is defined as the quality of the meaning of a text being objectively existent and independent of the reader or the commentator. For both socio-historical critics and formalists, a determinate is defined as a text as one absolute meaning which is accessible to the reader who is informed. For the formalists, this objective meaning is in the form or structure of the text itself, while for the socio-historical commentators, the objective meaning is in historical contexts or in the meaning that has been determined beforehand by the author.