The name Bessie is a feminine first name. It is commonly used in English. It is pronounced as Bes-ee in English. In English, the feminine first name Bessie is made up of two syllables.
The two syllables that make up the name Bessie in English are the syllables Bes and ee. More emphasis is put on the first of the two syllables that make up the feminine first name Bessie in English, that is the syllable Bes.
The feminine first name Bessie is actually a nickname. It is one of the nicknames of the popular English first name Elizabeth. According to the rankings of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the United States of America, the feminine first name Bessie was rated 22nd out of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the first decade of the 20th century, namely between the year 1900 and the year 1909.
The two syllables that make up the name Bessie in English are the syllables Bes and ee. More emphasis is put on the first of the two syllables that make up the feminine first name Bessie in English, that is the syllable Bes.
The feminine first name Bessie is actually a nickname. It is one of the nicknames of the popular English first name Elizabeth. According to the rankings of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the United States of America, the feminine first name Bessie was rated 22nd out of the top 1, 000 feminine first names in the first decade of the 20th century, namely between the year 1900 and the year 1909.