Chamomile is कैमोमाइल in Hindi, this is phonetically pronounced 'Kaimoma'ila'.
Sometimes you may not be able to get all the translation options, such as testing out Hebrew. In Hebrew the only thing that showed up was the word written in Hebrew script. The translation program did not offer a listen or phonetic spelling of 'chamomile'.
It is nice to know that the program exists since you can use it when you are traveling via logging in with your phone. If you are sitting at a café and need to order a food item you can just find the translation and then repeat it to the waiter. You can also use it to try and communicate during the buying process if you are going to get a souvenir. Keep in mind the program does not conjugate verbs for you, but you can at least get close to what you want to say and hopefully make the process easier.
- Google translate is your friend
- Why not play around with the website?
Sometimes you may not be able to get all the translation options, such as testing out Hebrew. In Hebrew the only thing that showed up was the word written in Hebrew script. The translation program did not offer a listen or phonetic spelling of 'chamomile'.
It is nice to know that the program exists since you can use it when you are traveling via logging in with your phone. If you are sitting at a café and need to order a food item you can just find the translation and then repeat it to the waiter. You can also use it to try and communicate during the buying process if you are going to get a souvenir. Keep in mind the program does not conjugate verbs for you, but you can at least get close to what you want to say and hopefully make the process easier.