The name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)
This is a very interesting question. Nearly all of us have surnames, but most of us are not even aware of the history of surnames. Another name given to surname is last name or in some cases family name. This name is usually shared among the different members of the family. This is also the name which is passed down from generation to generation.
Now if you would think for a moment. What is the purpose of surname? How would one distinguish between two people having the same name? For this purpose the concept of surname name came into being.
It was a legal method adopted to distinguish two people having the same surname. In the beginning the last names were not passed on to another generation. But later onwards this trend changed. The first people to adopt this concept were the Chinese. The Chinese started the use of surnames 5000 years ago. The Europeans were reluctant to this idea. They did not adopt the use of surnames till 10th and 11th century. It later onwards adopted by the nobility of the Europeans aswell.
Surnames are a good way to find out about the history of your family and ancestors.
Now if you would think for a moment. What is the purpose of surname? How would one distinguish between two people having the same name? For this purpose the concept of surname name came into being.
It was a legal method adopted to distinguish two people having the same surname. In the beginning the last names were not passed on to another generation. But later onwards this trend changed. The first people to adopt this concept were the Chinese. The Chinese started the use of surnames 5000 years ago. The Europeans were reluctant to this idea. They did not adopt the use of surnames till 10th and 11th century. It later onwards adopted by the nobility of the Europeans aswell.
Surnames are a good way to find out about the history of your family and ancestors.