
What Is The Meaning Of S In The Word SCIENCE?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Simply put, the word 'science' does not provide a meaning for the word 's'. You may be looking for a certain rhyme which you may know which is going to ensure that you know how to spell the word or what aspects of science that you should be remembering, to find this you are going to have to look on the internet and do a good search of the different information which is going to help you. There are not going to be many websites which are going to provide you with the answer that you are looking for as they are all just going to provide you with the information which defines the word science as a whole. Therefore you are going to have to know exactly what you are looking for and you are going to have to be realistic with regards to if you are going to find it or not.

There is a lot of information on the internet which may be able to help you but you are going to have to hunt high and low for it! Looking for something so specific within the work science may mean that you are not going to have any success when you are looking online and therefore you shouldn't set your standards to high when you are searching online.

It is also going to be a good idea for you to go and look in many different books to see if you can find what you are looking for if it is not on the internet. If you have researched everything that there is about the word science it is probably best if you admit defeat and don't try to search for something that you are not going to find anymore as you are only going to be very disappointed.

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