
Where Does The Surname Barr Come From?


5 Answers

d ds Profile
d ds answered
Barr name is of Scottish origin. Also Visit Barr  Name Meaning, Origin, History, Nationality andTop Places of origin for name Barr. You can click on these countries name(in the Top Places link) and a page will be displayed showing you names and detailed records of people with this surname. You might need to create account there to view detailed records. But, names can be viewed freely.
You can also Visit Average Life Expectancy Chart of Barr  name, which shows Average Life Expectancy of Barr for various years.
Also Visit Top Occupations Chart of Barr  name which is based on up till year 1880's records. There is a book named The Barr  name in History which is a unique volume of fascinating facts, statistics and commentary following the Barr family name as far back in history as possible.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have yet to see one definitive answer. There is a place in the Alsatian refion of France named Barr which could point to the name being an indication of place of origin. There maybe some connection to names such as de Barr, des Barres, etc. Family legend for my own connection claims to be Scottish (Gaelic), which may be totally spurious as there seems very few persons with names even similar the closest being Dunbar which may mean fort of the bar or reference to a high fort, gaelic forts tending to set up on hills according to my poor scholarship.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Originally from the Irish monk Barr-fhionn* who around the year 593 left Dalriada as a missionary to the Britons living in southwest Scotland (formally Carrick, now South Ayrshire).  Travelling along the river Stinchar he had his cell in what is the present day village of Barr.  He left the area, probably at the time of the Angle invasion under Ethelfrith king of the Angles (603)  He sailed for the island now called Barra in his name.  The church of St. Barr was completed there in 620 A.D.
The name Barr is a place name.  People who left that area were originally called de Barr (1250- 1320).  The "de was eventually dropped.   Note: Meaning; Barr (top) Fhionn (fair) = fair haired
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
From the Gaelic (Scots) Barr (top).  From the 5th century monk (saint) Barr Fhionn who's cell was in the present day village of Barr in South Ayrshire.  Barr became a place name when people left that area starting in the 12th century when surnames became law.
     Barr (top), Fhionn (fair) = fair top or fair haired

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