The English phrase 'good food' translates into Spanish as 'buena comida', but 'la buena mesa' is the more popular expression. However, there are many such phrases you could use when talking about food in Spanish.
"Can you recommend a good restaurant?" - "¿Puede recomendarnos algún buen restaurante de aquí?"
"Can you recommend a local dish?" - "¿Puede recomendarnos algún plato típico de aquí?"
"This paella is delicious!" - "La paella está como Dios manda – ¡Qué deliciosa!"
"That was delicious." - "Estaba delicioso."
"This paella is delcious, but filling. I need to leave room for dessert."
- Esta paella es deliciosa pero, llena mucho. Me reservo para el postre.
"This smells like death." - "¡Huele de muerte!" (believe it or not, this is a compliment!)
There's more to Spanish cuisine than paella of course, and you'll need to learn a range of phrases to keep a healthy diet! This film should give you a few ideas: