Loudermilk means "pure milk". The surname is of Germanic/Swiss origin and is thought to have been given to dairy farmers.
Originally, the spelling was Lautermilch, the "Lauter" part being German for pure, and "milch" being milk.
This web page about the Loudermilks in North Carolina may be of interest.
However, other sources have that Loudermilk is of Scottish origin, has its own family crest and is related to other Scottish family names such as Lowther, Louder, Lowder and Louther.
On balance of probabilities, Loudermilk is, IMHO anyway, derived from the German surname, Lautermilch. This would be particular true in the USA in farming communities where Europeans settled.
Originally, the spelling was Lautermilch, the "Lauter" part being German for pure, and "milch" being milk.
This web page about the Loudermilks in North Carolina may be of interest.
However, other sources have that Loudermilk is of Scottish origin, has its own family crest and is related to other Scottish family names such as Lowther, Louder, Lowder and Louther.
On balance of probabilities, Loudermilk is, IMHO anyway, derived from the German surname, Lautermilch. This would be particular true in the USA in farming communities where Europeans settled.