In French, "amour" is a noun that means "love." However, if you wanted to say that you loved somebody, you'd use the verb "aimer" - in English, the verb and noun for "love" are the same, but not in French.
"Amour" Used in Sentences
"L'amour est aveugle" (lam-or ay avergle) = Love is blind
"Tomber en amour" (tombay on amor) = To fall in love
"Déclaration d'amour" (declar-ass-ion d'amor) = Declaration of love
How to Express Your Love in French
"Je t'aime" (je tem) = I love you. When texting or chatting online, you can use "jtm" as an abbreviation.
"Je t'adore" (je tad-or) = I adore you (although this is used much more frequently in French than it is in English). When texting or chatting online, you can use "jtd" as an abbreviation.
"Tu me manques" (to muh monques) = I miss you
"Je pense à toi" (je ponce a twa) = I'm thinking of you