
What Does The Name Habakkuk Mean?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Habakkuk is the name of a Hebrew minor prophet. It is an Old Testament book which tells the prophecies of the minor Hebrew prophet Habakkuk. The name Habakkuk is also spelt as Havakuk. Apart from being a minor Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible, he was also a minor prophet in the Jewish Tanakh.

The name is believed to be related to a word in the Akkadian language. It means a plant or the Hebrew word which is literally translated into the English language as embrace. Habakkuk was the eighth of the twelve Minor Prophets. He is also believed to be the author of the Book of Habakkuk. This is because the book bears his name.

Practically nothing is known about the personal history of Habakkuk. The three phrases which are most closely related to the name Habakkuk are the phrases Book of Habakkuk, which is also called The Book of Habakkuk, Project Habakkuk and Prophecies of Habakkuk.

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