The name Ilex means 'forecast'. There is no evidence this name being used as male or female first name. Ina is also not used as a place name. According to our information Ilex is flower name. This name is in Latin. The English term for this flower name 'Ilex' is Holly. There is also French term for this flower name. The French name is 'Houx'. Originally, it was called aquifolium or agrifolium. This word aquifolium or agrifolium means 'having pointed leaves'. This plant has its associations with Christmas.
Later, it was named scientifically as Ilex aquifolium. The Holly or Ilex is also referred as considered to mean 'Holy Tree'. It is believed that this Ilex or Holly grew in Christ's footsteps.
Later, it was named scientifically as Ilex aquifolium. The Holly or Ilex is also referred as considered to mean 'Holy Tree'. It is believed that this Ilex or Holly grew in Christ's footsteps.