The Cambridge student and Muslim nationalist Choudhary Rahmat Ali coined the name in 1933. It is an acronym comprising letters from names of ethnic populations inhabiting the region.
- Punjab
- Afghania (Ali's preferred name for the North West Frontier Province)
- Kashmir
- Sindh
- stan from Balochistan, thus forming "Pakstan".
- An "I" introduced later to ease pronunciation.
- The suffix, stan, also holds secondary significance -- in Persian it means "home of" and in Sanskrit it means "place" of.
- Punjab
- Afghania
- Kashmir
- Indus Valley
- Sindh
- Turkharistan (roughly the modern central-Asian states),
- Afghanistan (not Afghania)
- N as in BalochistaN.
- Here again, the Persian word پاک pāk, which means "pure", adds another shade of (double) meaning, with the full word, Pakistan, thus also meaning "land of the pure".