
What Does Canting Mean?


1 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
Canting is a type of puzzle. It is similar to a rebus. Both the rebus and the rebus coat-of-arms are complex puzzles and are not straight-forward. The term canting is also used in heraldry. It refers to a coat of arms. It is a pun on the name of the owner of this coat of arms. Canting also refers a tool used in the making of Batik. It is pronounced chahn-ting in Bahasa Indonesia, the national language of Indonesia.

Canting arms is a technique of translating the name of an individual or community represented in a coat of arms into a visual pun. It is used in European heraldry.

The names of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother of the United Kingdom (August 4, 1900 to March 30, 2002) before her ascension to the throne were Elizabeth Angela Marguerite and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. Her last name, Bowes-Lyon, is represented by a bow and blue lions on her coat-of-arms.

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