I am sorry but two thing come to mind, that country song, Elvira as well as Elvira queen of the dark. So to me it seems like someone of fair complexion but dark hair and beautiful
The girl's name Elvira \e-lvi- ra, el- vira\ is pronounced el-VYE-rah, el-VEER-ah. It is of Old German origin, and its meaning is "foreign, true". Spanish name. Elvira is a character in some of the operas and poems on Don Juan. Elvira has 10 variant forms: Alvira, Ellvira, Elva, Elveera, Elvera, Elvina, Elvire, Elvyra, Elwira and Lira. For more information, see also the related name Ella. Baby names that sound like Elvira are Alvera and Alvara. Elvira is a very common first name for women (#460 out of 4276) and also a very common last name for both men and women (#21621 out of 88799). (1990 U.S. Census) Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the girl name Elvira. Compare Elvira with its variant forms and related girl names. Source: www.thinkbabynames.com