
What Does Each Month Of The Year Mean?


25 Answers

sweetboy surendar Profile
  1. Most were named after Greek gods.
  2. January- named for God Janus

  3. February- month of Februa

  4. March-named for the God of Mars

  5. April-month of Aphrodite

  6. May-month of Maia

  7. June-named for God Juno

  8. July- named for Julius Caesar

  9. August- Augustus Caesar

  10. September- septem meaning seven

  11. October- Octo meaning eight.

  12. November- novembrus meaning 9

  13. December decem meaning 10
Moe Pence Profile
Moe Pence answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Named after the Roman god Janus, the god of beginnings and endings.
Named after the Italian god Februus.
Named after the Roman god Mars, this is the first month of the Roman year.
Called Aprills, from aperire, "to open". Derived from that fact this is the months where the buds open
Named after the Roman goddess of honor and reverence, Maiesta
Named after Juno, the protector and special counselor of the Roman state and queen of the gods.
Named after Julius Caesar in his honor in the year 44BCE. This was the month in which Julius Caesar was born.
Named after the first Roman emperor Augustus. Originally called sextills stemming from sextus meaning "six".
From the word septern meaning "seven".
From the word oct meaning "eight".
From the word novern meaning "nine".
From the word decern meaning "ten".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bring Community,mind financial opposition paint every council say general corner football information propose variety house studio understand term yet visitor gold aspect derive not nor both flat farm collect standard once significance player shoulder close drive write brain circumstance spring know positive light structure down derive friend god real popular train hear difficulty career creation brother tonight liberal scene apply advice teacher experiment happy if text weight device she on fashion president liberal path likely east western throw hang evening feeling chief involve location rural desk
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All the months except for september, october , november and december which are named after latin numbers which are seven , eight , nine and ten, are named after roman gods.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January- Janus (roman god of doorways)
May- Maia (goddess of spring)
June- Juno (wife of roman god Jupiter)
October- The 8th month
November- The 9th month
December- The 10th month
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January is named after Janus, the god of the beginning.February was named after a Roman festival of Februarius that was in the part of the year. March was named after the Roman god of war, Martius.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January is named after Janus, the god of the beginning.February was named after a Roman festival of Februarius that was in the part of the year. March was named after the Roman god of war, Martius.
attz malik Profile
attz malik answered
The origin of the calendar months goes back to the time of ancient Romans. The names are Latin in origin, some in honour of famous people and some according to the order in which the months occur. The last method of naming has left us with a rather curious result:
September 9th , October 10th, November 11th, and December 12th, but their names come from the Latin words meaning 7th ,8th,9th and 10th.This happened because at one time the Roman calendar had only ten months and began with March. Around 700 BC the calendar was reformed and two months added at the beginning of the year, January and February .January is named after the God Janis, who had two faces and looked two ways at once; backward at the old year and forward the new. Another god, Februs, gave us the name February .March took its name form the Mars, the God of war. April came from the Latin word aperture ,meaning an opening ,signifying the month in which plants open and grow after winter .the origin of may and June are less certain. May was probably named after goddess Maia, whose name meant nurse or mother. July and august are named in honour of famous Roman: July for Julius and august for Augustus, the first Roman emperor.
Chris Hickman Profile
Chris Hickman answered
Julius Caesar made an attempt at setting a calendar. However because the ends of centuries where leap years, by the 16th century it was ten days out. This was corrected by Pope Gregory in 1658 who decreed that October 5 should become October 15.
The names of the months come from the pre-Julian calendar which originally had 10 months beginning in March. January and February were added to make 12 months.
January took its name from the god of the entrance. He is depicted facing both ways – past and future. February comes from the Roman festival of purification of Februa as it was known.
March gets its name from Mars, god of war. In April they were thinking of planting and Aperire signifies the earth opening ready for seed. Maia is the goddess of growth and was ascribed to May. June was named after a Roman family, Junius and July after Julius Caesar.
August got its name from another emperor, Augustus; and September was the original seventh month – Septem. Likewise October was the eighth month, Novem the ninth and Decem the tenth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
July & august are the only two months side by side that has 31 days in it . Thats because they were named after julius and augustus cesar,who both wanted 31 days. Maybe that is why february is a short month ,they had to get an extra day from some place.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January got its name from a Roman God. Named Janus.Janus was said to have 2 faces,one so he could look back to the pass,and another one to see into the New Year.He is also called the doorway and that he opens the door to a new year . Well thats about all I know ,but isn't it so interesting!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Roman-origin names were incorporated intot he modern calender by the Christians rather than being cxhanged in order to show that the Christian system was the all-powerful.

Following the French revolution there were attempts to change the calender completely, in France at leasdt, with such things as a ten day working week. The old system won the upperhand very quickly indeed.
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
January also written as Januarius earlier was dedicated to the Roman God "Janus". He was a God of doors. Janus looked forward to the New Year and back on to the old through his two faces. February was the name of a Roman festival of "Februarius" that took place during this part of the year. It was a festival of purification. March was names after the Roman God of war "Martius". April had a connection with spring and comes from the Latin word "aperire" meaning open. May is supposed to come from the name of the Roman Goddess Maia. June is probably named after the Roman Goddess Juno, July after Julius Caesar and August after Emperor Augustus. September, October, November and December were named after the Roman numbers seven, eight, nine and ten respectively; this being their position in the Roman calendar.
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
Basically names of the month are in Latin and they have different meanings. Many month names are named after the names of Gods and Goddess.

January named after the god Janus,  February named after februa means purification festival, March after God Mars, April after goddess Aphrodite, May after the goddess Maia, June after the goddess Juno, July after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E., August emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E., September word septem means seven, October is derived from the word octo means eight, November from word novem means nine and December after word decem meaning ten.

Moreover, according to the rules of calender they should be in a sequence and each month has a sequential relationship with the other.


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January - Janus, Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings
February - Februa - Roman festival of purification
March - Mars - Roman god of war, was also originally the beginning of the Roman year
April - Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love & beauty
May - Maia - Italic goddess of spring
June - Juno - Roman goddess of the Roman Pantheon, wife & sister of Jupiter
July - Julius Caesar - named this month after himself
August - Augustus Caesar - also named this after himself
September - (septem means 7) - 7th month of original Roman calendar
October - (octo means 8) - 8th month of original Roman calendar
November - (novem means 9) - 9th month of original Roman calendar
December - (decem mean 10) - 10th month of original Roman calendar
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Use the website really useful if you need to know what each month comes from and why,
Example :
January comes from the word Janus and Janus is the God of Doors. January welcomes the year as if Janus is opening a door to a new year,
I hope this helps even after 3 years, lol :)
Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
A month is a unit of time that relates roughly to one sequence of the phases of the moon, i.e. Around 30 days. A month is one of the twelve parts of a year as per a calendar, mainly the Gregorian calendar.    It is a chronological time unit relating to the lunation period.  Most of the months of the year have been named after Gods or legends. For example, January is named after the god Janus, March is named for the god Mars, June after Junius, July after Julius Caesar and August after Augustus.    Particular precious or semi precious stones are also associated with individual months. They are as follows: January – Garnet, February – Amethyst, March – Bloodstone or Aquamarine, April – Diamond, May – Agate or Emerald, June – Pearl or Moonstone, July – Ruby or Onyx, Agust – Carnelian or Peridot, September – Chrysolite or Sapphire, October – Beryl, Tourmaline or Opal, November – Topaz and December – Turquoise or Zircon.

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