Shadow Seeker
Shadow Seeker voted up Jacquelyn Mathis' answer
They can be very ominous, and scary. Especially if they are hanging around you a lot of the time. Some can indeed be dangerous in the sense that they wish to cause you harm. But, if you catch this quick enough, you might be able to have the home cleansed, and have it done more … Read more
Shadow Seeker
Shadow Seeker answered
These dark-cloaked beings are PsychicVampires.  They are energy/life force suckers! Even thought you may think they are not \'out wardly\' harming you or anyone in your family...they are.  They have blinded two of my pets, given my other dog and my husband cancer. <br>Do you wake up feeling drained? Tired most of the time? Doc\'s not finding … Read more