
I Saw A Black Shadow Draping Over Me. What Does That Mean?


8 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
They can be very ominous, and scary. Especially if they are hanging around you a lot of the time. Some can indeed be dangerous in the sense that they wish to cause you harm. But, if you catch this quick enough, you might be able to have the home cleansed, and have it done more than one time, set a date for like another 3 months down the road to have it done the second time.
You should contact a spiritualist or a shaman for this. Usually, if you are in the area, a Shaman is much better and more powerful. That is some very ancient medicine that they use. Trust him/her to be capable of doing this, and do everything they say to a tee. Make sure that you contact a tribe that will recognize the Shaman as well.
You don't want a fake asking you for thousands of dollars and you still sit there suffering from this shadow. Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.
Sledge GuitarGod Profile
Bad news I've had one following me now for about 30 years amd no matter what it won't go away. It laughs at prayer and saying the lords prayer before bed can actually get him tp show up I have found. I don't know the name of this Demon yet but next time he stops by I will ask. I am being very serious, I'm just using humor cause I'm used to it. He's no good and I have found that he's caused a lot of issues in my life. My wife has witnessed me go through a week or two with no sleep due to him. I currently am on day three this time. I pray for you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I see black shadow of a person when I am feeling down its climing up the walls and somtimes at bottom of my bed but the most of time its in the walls I am realy scared of this because I think it is evil can you help me plz thanks
Mary Profile
Mary answered
It seems to me you have a Shadow Ghost, and you must beware. They can be dangerous and they can cause you harm if they wish to. Here more information you should read:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you look on what does a black shadow on top of you    blog on this site I am listed as guest or anonymous not sure which but I provided some answers on how to rid oneself of such an entity I hope it works for you- especially if you don't want to spend money on a spiritualist (not all of them ask for money those that are willing to help you for free are probably more likely to be trusted.... Not saying they are all bad just that my mother deals with stuff like this and she never trusted anyone who wasn't willing to help those who needed for free without any repayment. )  Also these things can come back however the not allowing it to stay part mostly makes it go away.  See my blog mentioned earlier if you are interested. As I said I hope you are successful.
Shadow Seeker Profile
Shadow Seeker answered
These dark-cloaked beings are PsychicVampires.  They are energy/life force suckers! Even thought you may think they are not \'out wardly\' harming you or anyone in your family...they are.  They have blinded two of my pets, given my other dog and my husband cancer. <br>Do you wake up feeling drained? Tired most of the time? Doc\'s not finding anything wrong with you? Experiencing nightmares? Waking to a feeling of impending dread in your life? This is not normal.<br>These things are up to no good, they cause chaos/drama, sickness, always to be lacking $$.<br>I found a person that has vast experience - she captured and ridded them from our environment.<br>Be aware not to re-attract them into your life, though.
Not to frighten anyone, but....Be especially mindful to be rid of it. I have read that if they are around you at the time of death they will drag you away to their realm!
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Get a hold of a spiritualist and have them cleanse your home for you. Hope this helps, and best of luck to you.
Arulthevan Ponnusamy Profile
Daring, humbleness, honesty, watching, hearing will get silent of the night in the mind, two types of shadow, (smoke  and smokeless) i.e black and white !

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