They can be very ominous, and scary. Especially if they are hanging around you a lot of the time. Some can indeed be dangerous in the sense that they wish to cause you harm. But, if you catch this quick enough, you might be able to have the home cleansed, and have it done more than one time, set a date for like another 3 months down the road to have it done the second time.
You should contact a spiritualist or a shaman for this. Usually, if you are in the area, a Shaman is much better and more powerful. That is some very ancient medicine that they use. Trust him/her to be capable of doing this, and do everything they say to a tee. Make sure that you contact a tribe that will recognize the Shaman as well.
You don't want a fake asking you for thousands of dollars and you still sit there suffering from this shadow. Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.
You should contact a spiritualist or a shaman for this. Usually, if you are in the area, a Shaman is much better and more powerful. That is some very ancient medicine that they use. Trust him/her to be capable of doing this, and do everything they say to a tee. Make sure that you contact a tribe that will recognize the Shaman as well.
You don't want a fake asking you for thousands of dollars and you still sit there suffering from this shadow. Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.