The name Loraine is a female name. It is very popular and very commonly used as a first name for girls in the US mostly. However, its use as a surname or a last name is very rare. The name Loraine is considered to be a variant of the name Lorraine. Laraine is pronounced as \l(o)-rai-ne\.
The name Lorraine, from which the name, Loraine is derived, is a girl's name. This name is pronounced as lor-AYN. This name is said to be of French origin. The mean of the name Lorraine and of Loraine is "from Lorraine". Lorraine is the name of a Province in France. The famous Joan of Arc is believed to have come from this Province. Lorraine is a family name of the Royalty of France. This name is also considered to be an elaborate form of the name Lora. There is also a possibility that this name has been derived from the name Laura which is a Latin name, that means Laurel.
Other baby name that also sound like Loraine are Laraine, Lorayne, and Lorine for example.
The name Lorraine, from which the name, Loraine is derived, is a girl's name. This name is pronounced as lor-AYN. This name is said to be of French origin. The mean of the name Lorraine and of Loraine is "from Lorraine". Lorraine is the name of a Province in France. The famous Joan of Arc is believed to have come from this Province. Lorraine is a family name of the Royalty of France. This name is also considered to be an elaborate form of the name Lora. There is also a possibility that this name has been derived from the name Laura which is a Latin name, that means Laurel.
Other baby name that also sound like Loraine are Laraine, Lorayne, and Lorine for example.