'All the words 'Little', 'A little', 'Few', 'A Few' are called adjectives. Adjectives are the words that are used with a noun to add something for its meaning. The words described above are often confused. In fact there is a difference between them illustrated below:
'Few' is used with nouns that are countable in numbers whereas 'Little' is used with nouns that are not countable in numbers.
It means hardly any. Therefore it has negative meaning.
For example:
• There is little hope of our team's victory now.
• He showed little concern for his niece.
• He showed little interest in Chemistry.
A little:
It means some enough though not much. Therefore it has positive meaning.
For example:
• A little planning could have saved the situation.
• A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
• There is a little hope of his recovery from the disease.
It means not many, hardly any. So, therefore it has negative meaning.
For example:
• Few people speak the truth today.
• Few women in our society can keep a secret.
A Few:
It means 'some' as opposed to 'none'. Therefore it has positive meaning.
For Example:
• A few words spoken in polite will convince the lord.
• A few children can speak English correctly in our society.
'Few' is used with nouns that are countable in numbers whereas 'Little' is used with nouns that are not countable in numbers.
It means hardly any. Therefore it has negative meaning.
For example:
• There is little hope of our team's victory now.
• He showed little concern for his niece.
• He showed little interest in Chemistry.
A little:
It means some enough though not much. Therefore it has positive meaning.
For example:
• A little planning could have saved the situation.
• A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
• There is a little hope of his recovery from the disease.
It means not many, hardly any. So, therefore it has negative meaning.
For example:
• Few people speak the truth today.
• Few women in our society can keep a secret.
A Few:
It means 'some' as opposed to 'none'. Therefore it has positive meaning.
For Example:
• A few words spoken in polite will convince the lord.
• A few children can speak English correctly in our society.