Spirit Before we get deeper into this concepts let us first set up some parameters to our discourse, the term itself must be interpreted and explained in the context of metaphysics. And in meataphysics the term spirit has aquired a number of meanings: One being the An incorporeal but ubiquitous, non-quantifiable substance or energy present individually in all living things. Unlike the concept of souls (often regarded as eternal and usually believed to pre-exist the body) a spirit develops and grows as an integral aspect of a living being. The life source at the time of conception and it is present in the body until physical death
The human spirit is the term used to describe a human being's ability to take on things, however bad they might be, in his stride and deal with them head on. When they talk about the exemplary human spirit, they talk about that combination of hope, faith, resilience, patience and related qualities which give the individual the strength to get himself out of, or through hard times.
The spirit is what we are. The human is made of three components: Soul self body the first two are the immaterial components- just like software. The body is the vehicle or hardware controlled by soul and self. Just like a pc having two operating systems. The soul is programmed to direct us toward deeds that upgrade us. The self on the other hand tilts us towards downgrading deeds. In between is our free will to either follow the self (nafs in Arabic) or the soul (ruoh in Arabic). The body is just carrying us around d planet earth. It'll expire and we ascend to our final destination depending on which of the operating systems we used our free will to follow.
In their own way, people are free to define what the human spirit is. I think of it as a process that started with early humans, they sought the spirit in nature or things that nourished their existence such as the sun worshippers in the aztec culture, and shamanism which is also a nature based religion. The traditions form a collective consciousness, which means that their sense of self was created by an external locus of control, if something happen to one member of the tribe then it was like the whole tribe was affected so the human spirit can be seen in this sense also, the boundary of the self was loose, extending to the whole community.
Human spirit simply means the human Soul. The Soul is a part of the body like the body, mind and the vital. When a person is succesful in finding his soul, he can see the path to the God and the Supramental world, though it is not so easy yet for him/her to reach the Divine.
This is that which all original ideas that comes from, have you ever had an inspired dream or an original idea?, it’s the simple things such as, desire, hope, belief or curiosity, the things that keeps you going they fuel your life. Just like the seeds. In here lies our inner talent, gifts, interests, dreams, goals, life purpose and all that is the fundamental of life forces. Now let’s take a look at a house, Think of a house, it's just the result of the family, wanting to stay together "the Home" so to speak, that wanting/needing of that state creates House. Everything else is a part of the process.
The human spirit is part of the eternal being of people, along with the human soul. It feels like electricity from your belly. This can also be where different emotions come from like having butterfly feelings or feeling sadness in the heart.
The Human Spirit is the very essence of man, the life source at the time of conception and it is present until physical death. Please see more teaching on the web at:
The human spirit is the term used to describe a human being's ability to take on things, however bad they might be, in his stride and deal with them head on. When they talk about the exemplary human spirit, they talk about that combination of hope, faith, resilience, patience and related qualities which give the individual the strength to get himself out of, or through hard times.
The human spirit literally, is basically the spirit or the soul of the person, his living essence. However, in this context, the human spirit refers to that part of a human which wants to, or strives to make things better for himself and those around him. Those who have the qualities mentioned above, have a stronger spirit than those lacking in the qualities.
The human spirit is the ability to recognize a mistake that we made. To look forward and to wait for the proper time to repair it. No matter if you should loose your life to find redemption.
We are each non-material, immortal, Spiritual Beings controlling a physical, or, human body. That is a factual answer, and not the false materialist idea.