
What Does Perfusion Defect In The Apical Anterior Wall Mean?


1 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
* "Apical means of, at, or forming the apex"
* Anterior wall in this question refers to the anterior or outer wall of the heart.
* "Perfusion is the circulation of blood through tissue"

If you combine the three statements above you will have an understanding of what perfusion defect in the apical anterior wall means. Statement two tells us that we are talking about the anterior wall of the heart. The word apical means that it is at the apex, so apical anterior wall is at the apex of the anterior wall of the heart.

The heart is necessary for circulation of blood in the body. The blood is pumped out of the heart, sent through the circulation system, and then back in to the heart. This blood goes through arteries, capillaries and through tissue in order to deliver oxygen to the organs in the body.

Given that perfusion is the circulation of blood through tissue, we know that the blood is sent through the tissue at the apex of the anterior wall in the heart. If there is a defect within this system such as how much blood is circulated in this spot it can create heart disorders.

Perfusion defect usually means there is a lack of oxygen or hypoxia of the tissue that will reduce the actual "perfusion" used by the heart. Therefore, the tissue does not get the oxygen it needs to remain healthy. Given that we are taking about the heart a perfusion defect in the apical anterior wall of the heart means there is a heart defect in which the heart is not getting enough oxygen to keep the tissue healthy where the apex has formed at the anterior wall area. It can lead to serious heart problems including death if it is not treated.

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