
Where Does The Name 'Eduardo' Come From?


1 Answers

Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Eduardo is an Italian name, also found in Spanish and other Romance languages. The French version is Eduard. Very unusually for a Romance language name, Eduard is actually of English origin (very few Old English names were exported.)

The English name is Edward, from the Old English ead ("wealth, riches") and weard ("guard") So the name has something to do with guarding wealth. It was the name of several English kings before the Norman Conquest of 1066, including the 11th century Edward the Confessor, who was later made a saint. It has been a royal name ever since (this is also unusual, as most Old English royal names weren't used by king after the Conquest.) There have been 8 King Edwards since then, and Queen Elizabeth's youngest son is also called Edward.

Edward is often shortened to Ed, Eddie, Ted and (rarely) Ned. There is no real female equivalent, though Edwina is close.

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