The name Lena is a very popular name for girls. It is pronounced as LEE-nah. The language of origin for this name is Arabic and Latin. The dictionary meaning of Lena in English language is "palm tree". Lena is the Diminutive or short form for names that end with –line such as Caroline, Adeline, Madeline etc. it has variants like Leena, Leina, Lena and Lyna.
The name Lena also lies in the roots of the Scandinavian language. Scandinavian version for the name Helen is Lena. Here, it means "torch", metaphoric representation of something that shows light and leads the path. Lena is also used in Italian surnames such as Della Lena. This surname is derived from the mother's first name, Maddalena, if the father is unknown.
The name Lena also lies in the roots of the Scandinavian language. Scandinavian version for the name Helen is Lena. Here, it means "torch", metaphoric representation of something that shows light and leads the path. Lena is also used in Italian surnames such as Della Lena. This surname is derived from the mother's first name, Maddalena, if the father is unknown.