Aubrey could be used as a feminine as well as a masculine name. it has its origin in Old German origin. It is a Norman French variant of Alberich, Germanic name. Initially, it was used a masculine name. After mid-1970s the name Aubrey was also given to girls. Aubrey means 'elf or supernatural being'. In Germanic Mythology, the king of elves was called Aubrey. Alberic, Averie, Averey, Alberick, Aubury, Aubry, Aubery, Aube and Auberon are variants of this name. According to the census conducted ini United States of America, Aubrey was popularly used as a male first name as well as a surname.
As a surname, it has its origin in Old English. it first originated in Brecknock in Wales. Sir Reginald Aubrey received land in the year 1189. Andrew Aubrey and F.O. Aubrey were the oldest settlers of the family.
As a surname, it has its origin in Old English. it first originated in Brecknock in Wales. Sir Reginald Aubrey received land in the year 1189. Andrew Aubrey and F.O. Aubrey were the oldest settlers of the family.