
What Does Modem Stand For Anyway?what Does Modem Do


2 Answers

d ds Profile
d ds answered
The word modem is actually short for Modulator/Demodulator. Like:
A modem is a communications device that can be either internal or external to your computer. Internal Modems are in your computer and they support Dial-up Internet whereas External Modems are attached to computers to support use of DSL. Modems allows one computer to connect another computer and transfer data over telephone lines.
Also Visit: Modem.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A modem is a communications device that can be either internal or external to your computer. Internal Modems are in your computer and they support Dial-up Internet whereas External Modems are attached to computers to support use of DSL. Modems allows one computer to connect another computer and transfer data over telephone lines.

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