The word respiration is used as a noun and it describes the phenomenon of the act of breathing. The following sentence can make you understand the word well: Respiration constitutes the most important act of a living being and if somebody stops it even for five minutes he will probably die.
This word is not very commonly used in day-to-day conversation but in written English this word is very commonly used as the word is considered as a formal one. But we use the term or not, nobody can deny the fact that we are surviving in this world because we are having respiration and the day we stop doing the process we are sure to die. So it is understandable how important the phenomenon in our life as our life depends upon it.
This word is not very commonly used in day-to-day conversation but in written English this word is very commonly used as the word is considered as a formal one. But we use the term or not, nobody can deny the fact that we are surviving in this world because we are having respiration and the day we stop doing the process we are sure to die. So it is understandable how important the phenomenon in our life as our life depends upon it.