
What Does Dementia Mean?


5 Answers

Matthew Porter Profile
Matthew Porter answered
Dementia is the severe loss of all or most of a collection of mental abilities known as ‘higher mental functions’.  Such functions include abilities like memory and reasoning skills.  This is often due to the brain simply getting old; however, dementia can include situations in which these higher functions have been loss due to disease or injury. 

It is worth noting that while dementia shows itself as a mental condition it is due to physical circumstances - the brain being old or damaged.  When the degradation is caused by mental factors, such as post traumatic stress disorder, it is not counted as dementia.  It is also worth noting that doctors will not diagnose someone as having dementia if they have always had low level higher mental functions - if someone grows up having an extremely bad memory or poor reasoning skills. 

Furthermore, having a poor memory or reasoning from age alone doesn’t mean that a person has dementia, just as being eccentric doesn’t mean that someone is mentally ill, the difference being when a person can no long function within certain normal parameters. For example an elderly person regularly forgetting what day it is would not, in itself, count as a sign of dementia, whereas someone forgetting a key fact such as their own or a close loved one’s name would. 

Like with any illness, the diagnosis should be made by a doctor.  Sadly, if a person really does have dementia, they cannot be cured, only cared for and it can often be very distressing both for the person with dementia and those that love them.  Groups such as Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses exist to help people with their dementia and their loved ones and can be contacted by email at or phone on 0845 257 9406 respectively.
Matt Richard Profile
Matt Richard answered
A person with dementia does not loose their memory... Memories are still stored in the brain its the axons and dendrites that are affected and the build up of beta amyloid and tau proteins causes the pyramidal cells to become rounded and stops the legs from branching out to other nerve cells
I am reffering to the nerve cells in your hippocampi which are surrounded by the glial cells that keep everything in place... The appearance of pyramidal cells that make up the hippocampi in a healthy person should be oval with plenty of axons and dendrites branching out and the nucleus should be fairly centred in the cell

Dementia is a syndrome and is the general term for a number of conditions which have an ireversable affect with short term memory and at least one other ability later stages it is true that the amygdala become damaged too this is especially the case in picks disease now known as frontal lobe dementia where the amygdala and frontal lobe are damaged as well

Not a lot of people are actually aware of the big picture of dementia... Most people see those that are affected as "that crazy old lady" you might be affected by dementia at least 10 years before early signs of dementia are present and you start making those little mistakes and have insight to it

I hope you find this information valuable
Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
The term dementia refers to symptoms of mental illness like loss of memory, personality disorders and sudden behavioral changes. These changes caused by the mal-functioning of the brain can severely affect a man's ability to socialize or interact with people. Diseases like schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease carry the symptoms of dementia. Sometimes people who have a heart attack or get blows to the head repeatedly like for instance in boxing, become victims of dementia. The disease can also occur due to addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Dementia is different from mental retardation. The latter is a condition that usually happens from childhood and is characterized by very low level of intelligence. Dementia is also different from delirium which is a temporary phase of mental confusion and hallucination. Dementia is a disease which can take place and get worse with time, if not treated in time.
janis fincham Profile
janis fincham answered
What is vascular dementia of the brain
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with memory loss and
behavioural changes and is commonly encountered in people as they age. Studies
have found that there is an association between diabetes and dementia.

Tea has been
suggested to possess potent antioxidant properties. Flavonoid phytochemicals,
known as catechins, within tea offer potential benefits for reducing the risk
of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease by targeting common risk factors, including
obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

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