
What Does "A Stitch In Time Saves Nine" Mean?


9 Answers

Rob Facey Profile
Rob Facey answered
If you think of stitching a garment together, it helps for it to be as well-made as possible, with as few blemishes in it's construction. Should there be a rip or a tear, it helps to fix it as soon as it occurs, in good time. One careful stitch, as opposed to nine careless ones, or nine resulting from the badly-stitched one, is necessary and desirable or, as the proverb states, preventing something from becoming larger, like a chip in a car window or an argument in a marriage, should be done as early as possible. It may be a reference to Englishmen and -women not procrastinating in their work to solve a problem. Curiously, the 'nine' is only used to rhyme with 'time' so as to enforce the memorable nature of the slogan. It is a useful lesson that still applies in the modern day. Proper problem solving steps, taken early in the decision process, can prevent a lot of time being taken on a particular problem, so that more work can be done. Even as more people do not fix their own clothes, in the general sphere the proverb still holds; it is better to work on something that is wrong in the earliest stages so it does not become a larger problem over time. Perhaps the proverb could have been taken to heart by Iceland, Ireland and many of the countries affected by the financial crisis and, closer to home, by FIFA, football's governing body, which has been tainted by corrupt officials whose wheeler-dealing has not been prevented over several years. A lot of stitching will now need to be done to reboot their credibility.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In case your outfit is torn a little bit you only need to sew it with one stitch but if you do not do it and carry on using it in the same way, it further tears requiring you to now put in nine stitches.
In case you have a minor would that turns into a major only because  you have not taken care of it, you might require nine times the care, attention and money that you will have required if you would have taken care when it was minor.
Such things happen with us everyday but we tend to neglect them. Most of the time a stitch has to do with the timely doing of our activities and it is only our laziness that comes into the picture most of the times.
So of course : "A stitch in time saves nine"
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
The literal meaning of this proverb is that if you notice a tiny tear in (for instance) your shirt, and immediately repair it, it will be a very quick job; whereas if you leave it too long, the hole will get bigger and repairing it will take much longer. By extension, the proverb warns us not to put off essential jobs, as almost every job will get more time-consuming if it isn't attended to quickly (dealing with paperwork is an obvious example: it becomes unmanageable if you don't keep on top of it.)

A piece of advice sometimes given by life coaches is similar. They warn that if you put off doing a task, even if it doesn't actually get any bigger because of the delay (answering a letter, for instance, or writing a report) it will assume enormous proportions in your life. You will lose a lot of time thinking about and dreading it, so that effectively it will take up more of your life than it would if you dealt with it quickly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means that if you sew up a hole when it is smaller it will take one stitch, but if you wait until the hole is bigger, it will take 10 stitches. By sewing the stitch "in time" it will save you nine stitches.

It applies to lots of things situations.
John Profile
John answered
If I had to put it in my terms it would be to make a repair now that will save me more money or time later trying to fix something that should have been taken care of other words a stitch now(small amount of time or money) in a actual pair of pants that will save 9 stitches(a lot of time or a lot of money) to repair later..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In precise manner "a stitch in time saves nine" means that it is often considered better to do the work immediately when assigned than for leaving it to be completed on the later occasion or simply delaying it!
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
This means to do something right the first time no matter what
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I still don't get it I have this math book and the ? Is what does it mean and y would that be in a math book?

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