It literally means find the value of something
To find the numerical value of a function.
It can have many definitions, depending on the subject. In math and business, it probably means "find the answer" or "observe the effects."
It depends on what subject it is but in reading I'm learning about it now I still trying to figure out what it means.
It mean that you ar good
hajji 58t5####%^*&(_+~!@#j
hajji 58t5####%^*&(_+~!@#j
I mean its like to find the value of something.
Depends on the context. If you're evaluating a product, you're testing it out to see if you like it (kind of like test driving a car). If you're evaluating a situation, you're monitoring what's going on to figure out the best next step.
It depends on which subject you are referring to or the context.So tell me and ill answer it but heres one good answer. An act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of