It does not being son or brother. It literally means "a person of the same abdomen/belly" meaning "sibling". The two roots of the word kardaş are "karın" which means "belly or abdomen" and "daş" which is Persian for "person/individual". The "ian" or "yan" endings in Armenian are simply suffixes indicating "son of". When Armenians migrated to the USA, they spelled the letter "ş" which is Turkish as "sh" which is how it sounds. Now if Armenians want to claim the name stands for "stonemason offspring" then well that's just great. No surprise there as they try to disassociate with anything that is Turkish.
Turkish, but used throughout the Balkan region and also in Greece.
Remember that the Mongolian horde went far and wide into Europe.
Remnants of ancient Turkic words have become embedded across this
Kardesh (spelled phonetically) = karin (stomach or womb)
and dash = (stone). In ancient times (before Turks took up the faith of
Islam and still believed in Shamanism) the concept of friendship was a
serious matter. Due to battles and feuds ancient Turks believed in two
kinds of 'friends'. Both needed to be solid as a rock, as in battle you
couldn't turn your back on just anyone. The person who would in today's
police slang 'had your back' had to be in some ways closer than a blood
Hence, it would be
either your sibling who your have shared the same womb with (karin-dash)
or a blood brother (Kan-kardash). Most 'friends' = arka (back/ behind)
dash (stone) translates to someone you could trust, turn your back on
and be solid and trustworthy as rock in battle.
down the line in Kim's family tree there is a Turkish influence OR her
ancestors had to Turkify their name. It's not uncommon to see Turkish
influences in Armenian names. They won't admit to it because they'd
rather die than do that, but any Turk can see it.
Check out these Turkish Armenian names:
- Hayko Tataryan, traditional / folk singer ('Tatar' meaning of the Tatar turks)
- Nubar Terziyan, actor ('Terzi' meaning seamstress)
- Anta Toros, actress (meaning 'Taurus')
- Onno Tunç, musician ('Tunch' meaning bronze)
- Arto Tunçboyacıyan, musician (brother of Onno Tunç and this time 'Tuncboyaci' translates to 'bronze
And your PUTA was as you are ..not nice