
What Does Parachuting Drugs Mean?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Parachuting is a way to do mdma caps or Ecstasy caps...most mdma comes in caps and you can chute Ecstasy in pressed powder by crushing it

To do this you need a rolling paper or small piece of tissue paper you open the cap and put the contents in the rolling paper/tissue and you swallow it with water

The reason for parachuting is so that the drug will work faster...The mdma is a good pick up it gives a boost of energy and mental awareness where Ecstasy feels yucky and messes with the body temperature way more some may say its the same drug but this is untrue Ecstasy's main ingredient is mdma however most Ecstasy pressed tabs have many other drugs in it most likely made in some creeps basement

Mdma has been studied by scientist for the treatment of post traumatic stress syndrome and other disorders
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ummm, wow. The guy who answered above me knows what parachuting is, but doesn't know squat about MDMA. Sure, *some* MDMA is used for medical treatment, but you think the MDMA you buy at a party is that stuff? No way. The MDMA you get at parties or on the street is cooked the same way as E tabs - in some creep's basement. Here's some info from Health Canada:

Just don't do it. Seriously. The risks are real, and not worth the high.

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