
Where Did The Color Purple Get Its Name From?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The novel "The Color Purple" is named for many things in the story that are purple.  The one in which the phrase "the color purple" is actually used is where the character, Shug is talking to the character, Celie and Shug points out to a field where some purple flowers are.  

They are talking about abuse, suffering and the beauty that God placed on Earth so they would always have things to appreciate even in times when it was hard to find something for which to be grateful.  

Shug says to Celie "like the color purple out in that field there".

Celie also loves the color and even describes her privates as being purple the first time she ever looks at it with a mirror when she is an adult.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The color purple is made out of blue and red.

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