
What Does Pleat Mean?


1 Answers

Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
A pleat refers to a fold in cloth or material by folding the material upon itself and them pressing or sewing it into place. The word is derived from the Middle English word 'plet' which is a variant of plait. It is simply the pattern obtained by doubling over of cloth on itself. It refers to the bending together so as to create a crease or a fold. This method is often used in garments to make the circumference of a wide fabric narrower.

There are several different types of pleats. Some of them include:

A knife pleat is your basic pleat that serves to gather the cloth, and make a smooth linear line rather than stretching away from the seam.

Box pleats are basically knife pleats, but in a back to back formation. These give a bulkier, broader seam.

A rolled pleat is a pleat in the likeness of a tube which runs along the length of the cloth.

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