
What Does Mischief Mean?


3 Answers

Arun Raj Profile
Arun Raj answered
Mischief means "naughtiness" or "misbehaviour." Mischief spells trouble and an act of this nature can cause harm or annoyance to the person who is on the receiving end of a prank. A mischief can also be in good faith, to lighten the atmosphere and create an atmosphere of friendliness or flirtatiousness.

The extent of harm or trouble caused to the person who indulges in mischief is not usually grievous. It can be a prank or an act of naughtiness which can be set right by asking the prankster to observe discipline. However, there are times when acts of mischief can go overboard and cause injury, damage or embarrassment to the person.

In criminal law, an act of mischief is an offence against property with the inclusion of acts like vandalism, writing graffiti or using other measures to deface the property. Acts of arson do not come under the purview of "mischief" in legal parlance. In computer science, a form of attack that does not ruin the system but breaches it is called as "a mischief." A mischief can also be an act on the part of a hacker "to prove his worth. "
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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