
What Does Helter-skelter Mean?


2 Answers

Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
The term helter-skelter is used as a noun and as an adjective as well. When the word is used as a noun, especially in Britain, it conveys the idea of a tall tower located at a fairground. The tower has a path that is twisted around the outside of it and goes from the top to the bottom. Most of the times you can find people sliding down on the path while enjoying at the fairground.

But the most popular use of the term is as an adjective and you can use it for something that is done in hurry. The work shows that the person doing it lacks organisational skills and even if he has he is not using it. When the word is being used as an adjective it can not be used on its own but should always be used before a noun. The following sentence can make the meaning clear: he did the work in helter-skelter dash but still could not meet the deadline.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It doesn't show the defini stion about helter skelter and I want something short not long so I am leaving peace people's

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