2 Tugs to Pull
2 Tugs to Maneuver.
This photo shows only 3 of the tugs

A Vacuum is created when you place the suction cup on the window, the high-pressure on the outside of the suction cup pushes the cup towards the low pressure vacuum thus keeping it stuck to the window.
Same thing goes for your vacuum cleaner, it does not suck things it the high pressure outside pushes … Read more
All routers are the same, some have more ports then others.
Everything you do on a computer uses a specific amount of bandwidth, aka the amount of data that can be send in a specific amount of time. When they say you need more bandwidth it means you need to be able to send and receive more data then previously set.
Example 1 song = 1gb
your … Read more
You can if they use firefox on their computer and you access it. And only then if they save their passwords, if they do you can use a password uncover tool that is available on the web to show you what is behind the dots. Other then that you can't do it.