
How To Spell The Word Squirrel?


6 Answers

Babz Bell Profile
Babz Bell answered
The word you require is spelt S - Q - U - I - R - R - E - L  - which is exactly how you've spelled it in phrasing the question.

Do you know what I do if I don't know how to spell a word? Rather than consult my Chambers 20th Century Dictionary any more (always better dictionaries than the Oxford English Dictionary as they have more random Scottish words, very handy if you're playing Scrabble) I simply type what I think it is into Microsoft Word (other word processors are available) and wait for the red squiggly line to appear.

If and when it does, then get your spellchecker on that bad boy. If the program doesn't have the word you're looking for, then my next step would be to do a Google search for the word, as their suggestions are usually better than Word's at the moment.

Squirrel does look a funny word written down, probably due to the double R in the middle of it. My trick to remembering how to spell squirrel correctly, is to think of the word Squire, (which I regard myself as) and to then stick in an extra R in the middle and an L at the end. 

If you are using the word squirrel as a verb to describe hoarding something, but you're really struggling with spelling the word, then you can use words such as acquire, amass, buy up, cache, collect, deposit, garner, gather, hide, keep, lay away, lay up, pile up, put aside for rainy day, put by, save, scrimp, sock away, stash, stockpile, store, stow away or treasure instead.

But be careful if you're thinking of the animal called a squirrel: Never get between a squirrel and some nuts, as Peter Griffin found out on Family Guy ( or indeed the other squirrel in this picture: (
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