
What Does Liquid Mean?


4 Answers

Margaret Montgomery Profile

liquid is the state when a material or matter demonstrates a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incomprehensibility. In finance, the word liquidating a company means the capacity to transact with lawful tender or profit cash.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Liquid is the state of matter, just like solid and gases. It is a state of the matter where the particles of the matter are in a loose condition. It is a fluid and the particles of this fluid can move around and form a distinct shape as that of its container.

The volume of a liquid is specified by its temperature and pressure. It exerts a lot of pressure on the container. A Liquid expands when it is heated and contracts when it cools down. Liquids normally can not be compressed. The examples of Liquid are Water, Oil, gasoline etc. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Liquid mean the spit that is in your mouth

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