The perception process has three stages:
The occurrence of sensory stimulation: Basically this part of the perception processes involves coming in contact with a particular stimulus. For example, listening to a song, reminiscing about a childhood friend etc.
The organization of sensory stimulation: The second part of the perception process organizes the perceived notion in the mind, making it ready to be shaped up in overt response. Taking the previous example of remembering a childhood chum, if he/ she was a very nice one who always helped you when you were in trouble, you'll most probably feel a soft corner or a warm feeling for him/her in your heart.
The interpretation of sensory stimulation: The last phase includes the execution of response, expressed verbally or physically. Again taking the example of the chum that you had in the past, remembering the memories of the good times that you had together. It will bring a smile on your face or tears in your eyes as you remember and miss your friend.
The occurrence of sensory stimulation: Basically this part of the perception processes involves coming in contact with a particular stimulus. For example, listening to a song, reminiscing about a childhood friend etc.
The organization of sensory stimulation: The second part of the perception process organizes the perceived notion in the mind, making it ready to be shaped up in overt response. Taking the previous example of remembering a childhood chum, if he/ she was a very nice one who always helped you when you were in trouble, you'll most probably feel a soft corner or a warm feeling for him/her in your heart.
The interpretation of sensory stimulation: The last phase includes the execution of response, expressed verbally or physically. Again taking the example of the chum that you had in the past, remembering the memories of the good times that you had together. It will bring a smile on your face or tears in your eyes as you remember and miss your friend.