How To Write Informal Letters In French? Sample Letters


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An example letter from a French-English dictionary I have:

Nathalie Leduc
18 rue des Tulipes
65004 Gervais

Gervais, le 14 février 2001

Chers Grand-maman et Grand-papa,
Merci beacoup pour les CD que vous m'avez envoyés. Vous avez vraiment bien choisi puisqu'il s'agit de mes deux chanteurs préférés: Je n'arrête pas de les écouter!
Sinon, rien de nouveau ici. Je passe presque tout mon temps à préparer mes examens, qui commencent dans quinze jours. J'espère que je les réussirai tous, mais j'ai le trac pour mon examen de maths: C'est la matière que j'aime les moins.
Mamon m'a dit que vous partiez en Crète la semiane prochaine. Je vous souhaite de très bon vacances, et je suis sûre que vous reviendrez tout bronzés.
Grosses bises,

Natalie Leduc
18, Rue des Tulipes [Tulips Street]
65004 Gervais

Gervais, 14th February 2001
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Thank you very much for the Cds you sent me. You really have made a good choice, since they are my two favourite singers: I haven't stopped listening to them!
Otherwise, nothing new here. I spend most of my time preparing for my exams, which begin in 15 days. I hope that I will succeed in them all, but I am nervous for my maths exam: It's the subject I like the least.
Mum told me that you go to Crete next week. I wish that you have a great holiday, and I am sure that you will return tanned.

Examples cited as being useful as set phrases for letters are:
Merci pour ta lettre. (Thank you for your letter.)
Ça m'a fait plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles. (It was lovely to hear from you.)
Je suis désolé(e) de nes pas t'avoir écrit plus tôt. (I'm sorry I didn't write sooner.)  
Écris-moi bientôt! (Write soon!)
Embrasse [Insérer le nom ici] pour moi. (Give my love to [Insert name here].)
[Insérer le nom ici] te fait ses amitiés. ([Insert name here] sends his/her best wishes

'Affectueusement' and 'amicalement' can be used instead of 'grosses bises' here.

Furthermore, another example letter (this one an email) is written:
Je viens d'acheter le nouvel album de Rockstar. Il est génial!
J'ai trois billets gratuits por leur show à Orléans samedi prochain, et j'espère que vous pourrez venir avec moi tous les deux!
A Bientôt!

I have just bought the new Rockstar album. It's great!
I have three free tickets for their show in Orléans next Saturday, and I hope that you will be able to come with the two of us.
See you soon!

Hope that helped answer your question!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Amitiés is a good way to end a friendly informal letter.  It's sort of like saying, "Best wishes."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cher ahmaed
bonjour comment cava? Je spere qu tu vas bien , je ecris pour invite a la fete do la musique a l'universite d'hebron le vendredi quer jonner 2010 a 18 pm je spere que tu viens
Goranko Knin Profile
Goranko Knin answered

You should look your dictionary.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Write a letter to a neighbour who is now abroad, telling him or her about the changes in the neighbourhood

Arlene Fernandes Profile
When writing any letter in French, it is imperative to steer clear of possible misunderstandings or misinterpretations. With informal letters, in French, conventionally your don't need to add your own or mention even the addressee's address. Frequently, people add the name of the area they are in, and then the date. This is typically written at the top of your page. You might want to write the city, town, the village or just about any other recognizable location. For instance, you can write Lyon, le 12 janvier 2007.

If the letter is very informal, you could use addresses such as (mon) cher for a boy and (ma) chère for a lady. For the body you can keep the language simple and informal depending on how well you know the person.

Some informal endings would include Grosses bises (literally, big kisses) or Affectueusement (affectionately). A less formal ending would be A bientôt (see you soon).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am writing a letter to see how are you? I have a news I have a new job in medical center .I am happy here . My son now is 4 months .he didnit allow me to sleep well .  But he is good I am sorry I didnit write for you before .how is every thing in frane ? Are you happy there .& how is your husband ?are you enjoying there. I hoe you send me a letter telling how you spend your time there & I want to know more about france

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