
What Is The Difference Between Mission And Objective?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An objective is a goal planned that you can get it in a period of time There are mainly two classes of objectives: General and specific but depend what is the specific field that you need to establish them. A mission is something more general than an objective, A mission can have many objectives because a mission is an organized work, assignment or operation but to complete a mission you must complete steps or specific objectives to get the whole mission.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Goal is a state of affairs, or a state of concrete activity, which an organization or system wishes to achieve or obtain.
Objective is the plan, to involve and implement specific actions which must be taken to close the gap between the current realities and the ideal state.
Mission is the process of defining objectives and developing strategies to reach those objectives.
Vision involves the foresight needed to acquire the necessary expertise to organize existing resources, to accomplish the desired results.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You would complete objectives to complete a mission. Objective is to mission as battle is to war.

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