I think my dog calls me "Hey You".
Since we're naming a kitten on my other Q, what would your pet name you? (My husband thinks the cats call him "Jeeves.")
My dog probably calls me Pokey. Whenever we go for a walk she always gets ahead of me, then has to stop and wait for me to catch up.
Hi happy long time no see motormouth kitty calls me sucker
My dog calls me Rrralph.
I think my daughters bunny would call me "Meanie" LOL!
Stop kissing me, You!!!
She might call me Alice.
My Hound cusses so I'm not going to write what he calls me ! Especially if he's hungry.
Nothing. Cats don't name furniture, no masxtter how useful the furniture mighrt be.
Mine would call me Queenie, for I reign over all who enter my home. πΈ
My dog would call me Cuddles, because I always like to cuddle with her.
Jeeves?! That's weird, it's sounds like a virus. If it's a girl, I'd name it "jazmin". If it's a boy, I'd name it "bob". (I'm better at girl names though)