What is the definition of happiness?


5 Answers

Carlos Angelo  Manaog Profile

TO be happy is to make other people happy

TO be happy is to smile

TO be happy is to make other people smile

TO be happy is to love

TO be happy is to give

TO be happy is to Spend time wisely

TO be happy is to forgive

TO be happy is to live life at its fullest

But how can we be happy?

we must pursue this all

like a pursuit for happyness

Life was meant to be this way


Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

A Frenchman, an Italian and a Russian were discussing the meaning of happiness.

The Italian thought it was a gourmet meal with a fine wine but the Russian said, "That is not happiness. That is merely gluttony."

The Frenchman thought it was taking a beautiful woman to dinner, the theatre, a night club, then home to bed. But the Russian said, "That is not happiness. That is only lust."

When it was his turn to define happiness he said, "You are sitting at the table with your family in your cold room on the 18th floor of a crumbling tenement. You are eating a meal of gruel and stale bread when you hear the sound of heavy boots clumping up the stairs. They stop at your door which suddenly bursts open and you turn to see three big men scowling at you. One of them asks, 'Comrade Petroff?' You cringe in fear and gasp, 'No. I am Karmanoff. Petrov lives upstairs. And when they turn away and go upstairs, THAT is happiness."

Victor Reine Profile
Victor Reine answered


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