What Is Histology?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Histology aims at gaining and understanding of the structure and functions of the cell and its aggregations, the tissues and organs.The animal body is am integrated organism, in the making of which there is a cooperation and integration of parts at different levels of organization. Cells combine to form tissues, tissues to form organs, organ to form systems and the systems ultimately enters into the anatomical arrangement of the animal body.

Histology deals with these successive grades in the organism's bodily structure and function. Histology (Greek histos = tissue, logia = knowledge) is in a strict sense, the science of microscopically visible components of tissues, in other words, microscopic anatomy or microanatomy. It incorporates three sub divisions viz., cytology (cells), histology proper (tissues) and special histology (organology).

The organology pertains to the study of the arrangement of tissues to form organs. Histology also includes histochemistry, it is a new approach where a true combination of histology and chemistry is achieved, and it is the microscopic study of the chemical components of cells and tissues. The term " fine structure", "submicroscopic structure" and " ultra structure" used by many workers in the context of histology, relate to details as reflected through electron microscope.
Kathy Castillo Profile
Kathy Castillo answered
Histology is a Greek word and it is the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissue in the human body. Histology, sometimes called microscopic anatomy is very important in the field of biology. In Histology, slices of the body are taken using a microtome. These slices are then studied very closely to identify disease, illness or other abnormalities occurring in the human body. In the 19th century, histology was an academic discipline in its own right. The 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to two histologists, Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal. They had duelling interpretations of the neural structure of the brain based in differing interpretations of the same images. The field of Cytology is very closely related to Histology.
The trained scientists who perform the preparation of histological sections are Histotechnicians, Histology Technicians (HT), Histology Technologists (HTL), Medical Scientists, Medical Laboratory Technicians or Biomedical scientists. Their field of study is called histotechnology.

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