
Garabedian last name is that a true Armenian last name,from Armenia?


1 Answers

Tim Cook Profile
Tim Cook answered

Yes, the surname 'Garabedian' is Armenian in origin. It is believed to have originated in the western part of Armenia.

The name Garabedian in Armenia roughly translates as 'son of leader'. The -ian ending means son or issue, while Garabed is a common first name in Armenia which originally meant 'leader.'

The most notable Garabedian alive today, at least in America, is the artist Charles Garabedian, who was born of Armenian immigrants in 1923.

There Is Also a Garabedian in Space!

25542 Garabedian was the name given to an asteroid, in orbit around the sun as part of the Asteroid Belt. This object was named after a teacher who lives in California.

If you're interested in learning more about Armenian culture and heritage, check out this documentary:

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